CDC And WHO Say Masks Still Very Much Needed

CDC And WHO Say Masks Still Very Much Needed

The world’s leading health organizations are adamant that face masks are still very much needed in the fight against COVID.

Despite some governors in the US being tempted to relax mask rules to appease voters, and stop the exodus of businesses and workers in their states, the scientific data still shows that masks, and specifically N95 masks are the best tool for combatting the virus. 

This may be especially important for the vaccinated who may have thought they were more protected than new data reflects.

Experts Say It’s Too Early To Rollback Mask Rules

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) technical lead for COVID says, “We are recommending to continue to wear masks, particularly when you’re in close proximity with other people, but especially when you’re indoors and even if you’re vaccinated.”

This advice has also been echoed by the Centers for Disease Control director, who said,  our guidance that still also recommends that people mask in public indoor settings in areas of high or substantial transmission,” 

While the director of a children’s hospital in Philadelphia continues to urge people to wear masks. Pointing to the huge number of ongoing COVID cases and deaths.

COVID Figures Hitting New Highs

Some have tried to downplay the latest COVID variant, Omicron as being less dangerous. Those claims may no longer be supported by the data. 

The US hit new all-time highs for COVID cases in early 2022. Far dwarfing any numbers seen over the past two years. 

The end of January 2022 also saw the highest number of deaths in the US in a year, and even more than the first wave which shut down the world. 

People may be tired of COVID in the news, but thousands of people are still dying every day. These are real people. Parents, children, siblings, aunts, uncles, and more. 

The highly prevalent omicron variant of the coronavirus may be more transmissible than previous strains, though conflicting messages about masks and vaccine effectiveness may also be partially to blame for empowering this new surging health crisis.

Lockdowns Versus The Coronavirus

New data published by WebMD reveals that lockdowns in Europe and the United States only reduced COVID related deaths by 0.2%.

That 0.2% are still real humans. Though perhaps some would argue there were better ways to save their lives, without all of the other side effects and the aftermath the lockdowns have left us with.

Trillions of dollars of indebtedness to be raised through taxes, bankruptcies, homelessness, and the huge surge in crime and homicides that have come out of this may have done far more damage, and cost more lives than the lockdowns saved.

Quarantines and travel restrictions have been used to combat pandemic viruses throughout history, but none may have been as harmful as those related to COVID.

Vaccines Vs. Face Masks

We have been hammered with the message that vaccines are the solution to the virus. They have likely saved many lives, and even more infections and hospitalizations.

If it wasn’t for vaccines of various types many of the humans on the planet probably wouldn’t be here now. 

However, fresh data also highlights some of the flaws in vaccines, and how little they may prevent infection and transmission of the latest strain of COVID. reports that vaccine protection can drop to just 37% in just seven days. WebMD data shows that even after three doses of the vaccine, missing the six month window for a booster shot reduces vaccine effectiveness to 57%. 

How does this stack up against the protection masks offer? Could it possibly be the vaxxed that have gone unmasked who may now be most responsible for the spread of COVID? 

The CDC Reveals New Data On Masks

The latest data shows that some face masks may be far more effective than previously thought. Even more than twice as effective against COVID than vaccines.

According to new findings released by the CDC in February 2022, even basic cloth masks reduce the chances of getting COVID by 56%. Almost as effective the vaccine situation many people are in, or even better. 

Surgical masks were found to work marginally better, at 66% less chance of infection.

Best of all, N95 masks were proven to reduce infection and transmission by 83%. 

N95 Masks

Not only have N95 respirator masks proven to be highly effective, even close to the most effective vaccine scenarios, they are being required in many more situations.

It should no longer be a surprise if you are turned away for not having a N95 mask. Or if you must have one to travel, or to enter certain buildings or businesses. Or if your business is inspected to make sure all your staff have them and are in compliance. 

Even when not mandatory, it is clear that they offer the best protection from getting the virus, and passing it on to others you care about. 

With ongoing concerns about inflation and supply chain issues worsening, employers and individuals should ensure they have an adequate supply of the best N95 masks on hand already. 

Wondering where to buy n95 masks so you can stock up and make sure you can protect yourself and your family?

Find your certified N95 masks and N99 masks with fast delivery from Bielcor!

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